Completing Disability Benefit Questionnaires
Disability Benefit Questionnaires or DBQs are used to collect important medical information that is needed to determine a VA disability rating. This medical evidence form helps VA raters evaluate the severity of an illness or disability to ensure you are receiving the appropriate rating for your disability. Our medical experts will review your medical records to gather evidence and factually complete a DBQ for your diagnosed medical condition. DBQs need to be accurate and comprehensive to reflect the severity of your condition and how your disability impacts your daily living.
Who Can Fill Out VA DBQs?
Only a qualified medical expert may be able to help in completing a DBQ. The VA may also require that you come in for an examination before they determine if your disability is related to your service and what disability rating.
Capsarii Medical may be able to assist in your search for a qualified medical expert who can help complete the correct DBQ for your disability.
Capsarii Medical may be able to provide veterans with a comprehensive DBQ. It is important if you want to receive the correct benefits and compensation, that your DBQ is thorough, accurate, and detailed. We also want to ensure that your DBQ is completed in accordance with the VA’s standards and regulations.
We work to provide you with quality medical evidence that supports your VA disability claim.