Handle Complex Mass Tort Claims And Settlements
When a large group of people has been injured or harmed by the same large act, a mass tort is a legal action that can be taken against a defendant or defendants by the entire group. Mass torts are often used after instances such as explosions, plane crashes, exposure to pollution, radiation exposure, negligence, or intentional harm.
Because mass tort cases involve multiple people (those who were affected and those who may have caused harm), there are complex legal fees and proceedings that will need to take place. There are liability, negligence, and intentional tort claims that can be filled by a personal injury attorney.
Filing a mass tort may help Veterans or injured persons receive compensation for disabilities or loss of work. Mass tort claims are common among Veterans, but can also be used for other injuries outside of war service.

Differences Between Mass Tort And Class Action Lawsuits
Class action lawsuits and mass tort cases have similarities, but they also handle situations differently. Mass torts usually consist of a smaller group of plaintiffs than mass groups in a class action. During a mass tort case, each member is treated like an individual and compensated as such.
Class action lawsuits are treated as a group or class where a representative stands in for the entire group. The legal system treats all the members as one plaintiff. Filing a mass tort claim will give you more individual attention and rights because these cases rarely fit into a single class.
A mass tort case is usually used when a specific case does not meet the requirements for a class action lawsuit. You will file a mass tort when you are a consumer or a partisan party that has been injured on a large scale.
Most Common Types Of Mass Torts
While there are many different legal options when it comes to lawsuits, mass tort cases can only be filed for harm or injury from specific instances. Some common occurrences that result in mass tort or class action cases include:
- Prescription drugs
- Medical devices
- Exposure to toxic substances like asbestos
- Natural disasters
- Large scale catastrophes
- Motor vehicle defects
Defective or dangerous products are the most common subjects of these cases. When manufacturing defects, design defects, or failure to list warnings are all reasons you may be able to qualify for a mass tort claim.
Large-scale disasters refer to explosions in manufacturing plants, man-made fires, or exposure to chemicals in multi-unit housing. These disasters can injure multiple people in a variety of different ways. Each person receives individual compensation and treatment from a mass tort case. Mass torts can help individuals get compensation for their specific needs without all having to file their own claims as they are extremely time-consuming.
Capsarii Medical And Assistance With Mass Torts
Our professionals are well-versed in Veteran affairs and mass tort claims. Our team focuses on helping you with mass tort lawsuits and getting you the care you need and deserve. No matter what situation you are in, Capsarii Medical can help you navigate paperwork, and legal jargon, and understand what benefits you have rights to.
Our team will work directly with you to get your information to the correct people who can assist you. Capsarii Medical is here to assist you.